March 2020: "Rat Pack" Ladies' Luncheon

A packed room at Yew Lodge Country House enjoyed our 2020 Ladies' Luncheon. Dean Ager entertained us with his "Rat Pack" repertoire.

The raffle raised £350.00 for Canine Partners, a Sussex-based charity whom we are supporting this year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle and to the following amazing people and organisations who gave generously of their time and prizes:

Philip Jeffrey Mercer, Louise McKell, Campania Food & Wines, La Pagode, Helgaz Flowers, Coco’s Forest Row, EasYoga, The Tasting Rooms, Joanne Harper, John Button, Donato Latronico, Members of Hinge of Friendship, and Pteris Bookkeeping.

General enquiry

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